Bonding With Your Baby

It is ‘’The Mommy’’ Connection! Wondering how love blossoms between you and your child? It sounds so pious and eternal in itself. Let’s talk about the divine connect which a mother and baby develop during these magical nine months of pregnancy. Yes it’s true that a mother and baby relationship is the foundation for your child to form a sense of security, self-esteem, faith, trust and individuality as the baby matures.

Virtue Baby Session

Well! Develop a ‘’Golden Channel of Communication’’ with your unborn which starts even before you feel the first flutter in your belly. How you understand what all is said and unsaid by your child? The answer is right in front of you!! It is right from the moment you conceive your child, the mamma and the baby form a special chord of connect.

Adorn your little one with so much ‘’love’’, ‘’positive vibrations’’ and ‘’soothing virtues’’ so that your child stays the happiest.

It’s simple!

Do a Heart-to-heart talk with your baby! Your Child –Is Your Best Friend- Right? Start talking to your baby while you are on the go. Share everything! Your thoughts on the Food You Eat! While Driving! Meeting Positive People! Serene Environment! About Your Day and Everything You Feel! Bonding is both with the mother and the father and also the surroundings in which the pregnancy is nurtured.

It’s time for you to experience a sense of peace and grace by filtering out all that you don’t wish to absorb by your mind and body.  Your every thought is becoming the base of the emotional diet of your baby who is absorbing each and everything emotionally.

Is your womb a sacred place? Yes it is! Close your eyes and fantasize about your baby. Perceive yourself embracing and loving your little one as he/she is born.  Music? Oh Yes Music!! While driving or at home play some of your favorite tunes and songs. As the baby grows up- relive the moment with your baby shaking a leg or humming certain tunes which you played quite frequently.

You can display ultrasound pictures, baby’s collage, and sketches and you can put all that you imagine about your baby in a pictorial form. Softly touching your belly releases calming hormones while you enjoy your baby fluttering inside the womb.

Evoke the sense of joy every day, live, laugh, feel blessed and appreciate life throughout this journey of motherhood.


Fetal Memory And Learning

Memory is the quintessence of human experience. Learning and memory are interlocked: learning depends on memory, and learning is evidence of memory.

The documentation of learning and memory months before birth is surprising. Some of this has been made possible by direct ultrasound observations of fetal behavior. Twins can be seen developing certain gestures and habits at twenty weeks gestational age which persist into their postnatal years.

Fetal Memory And Learning

Babies can learn their mother’s emotional state. Experiments in Australia revealed that unborn babies were participating in the emotional upset of their mothers watching a disturbing 20-minute segment of a Hollywood movie. When briefly re-exposed to this film up to three months after birth, they still showed recognition of the earlier experience.

Studies examining habituation in the fetus have used auditory stimuli. This preference is largely due to the ease of presenting auditory stimuli to the fetus.

One important question that has frequently been overlooked is the study of fetal memory is what functions does it serve? The functions of fetal memory are of central importance.

Memory is essential for normal functioning and it is not too surprising that such an important psychological function is “practiced” before birth in some form. It has been well-established that the structure of the central nervous system is partly under the control of activity within the system. It may well be that activity generated within the central nervous system from the fetus’s use of memory also exerts an influence on the structural development of those parts of the CNS involved in memory.

Fetal memory may serve a number of specific functions, dependent upon the learning of particular stimuli prenatally. Prenatal memory may be important for the development of attachment and other maternal recognition. There is much evidence that the fetus learns the speech characteristics of its mother prenatally and prefers its mother’s voice to other female voices after birth. It may be that by learning to recognise its mother prenatally the newborn infant has a “familiar” stimulus in its environment after birth to respond to. As well as enabling recognition of the mother this may also mark the beginnings of attachment.

A memory in utero may be important for the establishment of breast feeding.

One final area where fetal memory may be important, is in the acquisition of language.

Thus there are a number of possible reasons why the fetus should have a functioning memory, not perhaps of the complexity of the adult or even infant, but sufficient to ease its progress in its new world after birth. Further studies are required to examine whether these proposed functions, or indeed others, do actually exist. They may also serve to direct future research into fetal memory, the existence of which, in some form, is no longer in doubt.

Prenatal Music For Fetal Development

Prenatal music prepares the ear, body and brain to listen to, integrate and produce language sounds. Music can thus be considered a pre-linguistic language which is nourishing and stimulating to the whole human being, affecting body, emotions, intellect, and developing an internal sense of beauty, sustaining and awakening the qualities in us that are wordless and otherwise inexpressible.

Prenatal Music

The sound environment of the womb is very rich. There are various interpretations as to the noise level, ranging between 30 to 96 dB. (decibel being a measure of sound intensity or loudness). A whisper can register 30 dB., a normal conversation is about 60 dB. and rush hour traffic can average about 70 dB. On the other hand, shouted conversations and motorcycles reach about 100 dB. Rock music has been measured as 115 dB. and the pain threshold begins at 125 dB. Yet, recent research with hydrophones have revealed that the womb is a “relatively quiet place”, somewhere between 50 and 60 dB. Uterine sounds form a “sound carpet” over which the mother’s voice in particular appears very distinct and which the prenate gives special attention because it is so different from its own amniotic environment.

Prenatal sounds form an important developmental component in prenatal life because they provide a foundation for later learning and behavior. With fetal sound stimulation the brain functions at a higher level of organization. The ear first appears in the 3rd week of gestation and it becomes functional by the 16th week. The fetus begins active listening by the 24th week.

“Music sets up a certain vibration which unquestionably results in a physical reaction.” The ear is primarily a generator of energy for the brain. Thus the powerful connection between sound/music and prenatal memory/learning have been revealed in formal experiments, parental observations, clinical records, and first person reports.

Hence our ultimate objective, of course is to help create not a musical genius but a person well integrated in his physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual self.

Preparing for Pregnancy

We make decisions every moments, every day, whether small or large. You’re every decision you make impacts your baby in same way.

Whatever you do should be enhancing mother baby bond developing within. Your body, mind, spirit and baby should be communicating in harmony.

Preparing for Pregnancy

Medical research has shown that your brains are physically sync with people around you as your brain releases the same hormone as people around you. Which causes you to have similar patterns. Similarly your heartbeats syncs with those around you to have similar emotions. This is a very important fact so the first step in preparing for pregnancy is to separate yourself from external influences and try to quieten your mind and try to focus on your mind space. As whatever originates from your heart and soul consciously is going to be good and right for your baby.

Not trying to say that move away from your spouse and family just trying to clear that move within your heart and soul, harmonize with people you are living with and accept their attitudes with love and grace.

It is better to be in conscious agreement for the medical tests in pregnancy which you need to undergo. So preparing for yourself for the same will make your journey easy and safe.

Pregnancy – A Good News

Congratulations! You are officially on your way to motherhood. You are about to begin on a journey with all the highs and lows, thrills and chills and I guarantee that it will be worth it.

You are going to play a lead role as hero in this epic journey. During the next nine months your strength, your resolve will be tested. You will experience discomfort, anxiety and fear as you move into this unknown territory, but you will also discover that you are wiser, stronger, braver, and virtuous then you thought you were.

Pregnancy - A Good News

You will experience, you should experience joy, love, bliss, peace, purity, harmony on this journey to create a virtue baby.

In our modern culture we often neglect the inner life of expectant mother and baby. We only focus on the physical dimension. Examinations and ultrasounds are necessary for the pregnancy course but the more subtle emotional and spiritual aspects of this marvelous journey are often ignored. A totally aware pregnancy is a successful pregnancy. You have the opportunity to manifest the pregnancy you want with every thought you think, feeling you feel and action you take. Meaning you are fully aware of your thoughts, feeling and actions.

# You are in state of mindfulness when you are observing the world around you and you channelizing your thoughts and feelings to decide your action.
# Actually you are choosing the ultimate mother and baby bond
# This discovery helps you to become more conscious and you also set on a journey to explore your relationship with yourself.
# You are important
# Your life, your attitude, your relationships is what is most important for you and your baby.
# You are literally the world in which your baby will be formed.
# Pregnancy is a time of deep reflection, a time to look at who you have been, who you are and who you want to be. It will help you change to a better you for your baby. This pregnancy journey will actually transform you.
# A mother is born day by day,  just like her baby.
# As a child you have pretended being a mother, rocking your sibling to sleep, feeding a doll, playing small games when you have to act like your mother. So your journey to become mother and parent has started long back.
# This time when you have to think of yourself in this role, right in the beginning
# Are there mothers whom you admire and wish to become like.
# Are there mothers whom you don’t want to model.

These few questions will help you shape your spiritual conscious, mindful attachment pregnancy and the answers will reveal your soul’s highest values. As you choose to conceive and grow your baby in a trusting, loving, peaceful state, she is formed in love and will grow in a state of optimal health.

Hence this journey will make you spiritually more awake, and this awareness will keep strong, healthy and vibrant throughout this journey.

Back Pain During Pregnancy

Generalized aches and pain in the back are usually musculoskeletal. As your baby grows during pregnancy your centre of gravity shifts which puts a strain on the muscles and ligament of your back. Moreover pregnancy hormones also act on the pelvic joints to make them looser and more stretchy. This knowledge gives you acceptance of the situation, which actually diminishes your response, thus you don’t feel it much.

How to avoid BACK PAIN:

  1. Wear low-heeled shoes, preferably wedges for extra stability: flats will put more strain on your calf muscles and lower back; high heels will pitch your weight forward on to the balls of your feet and destabilise you, making you vulnerable to falls.
  2. Rest as often as possible: if your work involves standing, ask your employer for a chair or stool so you can take the weight off your feet and rest your back from time to time.
  3. Ask your employer about working more flexibly so you avoid rush hour traffic: whether you’re standing on public transport or sitting in your car, the strain on your back will be greater than if your journey were shorter.

Bonding With Your Unborn Child

Creating a Physical Body

iStock_12741434XSmallParents provide the immediate physical environment which will determine whether the baby’s equipment for living will be poor, average, or optimal. Science has only slowly found the connection between deficiencies of folic acid (one of the B vitamins) and the profound malformations of anencephaly and spina bifida, defects which occur when the neural tube fails to close 18 to 26 days after conception. Sub-optimal nutrition, one of the factors behind the plague of low-weight babies, means shortages of essential supplies during brain construction resulting in a sub-optimal brain. Hormonal deficiencies, excesses, and imbalances effect both the genes and the environment that ultimately determine identity and orientation–all this before the baby is born.

Creating Emotional Foundations

One of the biggest surprises about life in the womb is the extent of emotional involvement and expression, generally not anticipated in psychology or medicine. Spontaneous and graceful movement that can now be observed from about 10 weeks after conception reveals self-expression and early aspects of self-control, needs and interests. As it is with the establishment of physical settings in utero, the emotional system is also organizing itself in relation to the range and varieties of experiences encountered. A baby surrounded with anger, fear, and anxiety will be adjusting itself to that world and may carry those settings forward unless something changes. Parents are potent factors in shaping the dynamic world of the unborn.

Establishing a Rich Connection with the Prenate

Not long ago we thought it was impossible for prenates to have anNumerous experiments have made it clear that prenates who have the opportunity to hear stories and music repeated to them in utero can demonstrate recognition for this material later in lifey truly personal or significant experiences. We didn’t see that they could have a working mind. Babies are naturally curious and interactive.

These studies have proven what few believed decades ago:

(1) that babies in the womb are alert, aware, and attentive to activities involving voice, touch, and music;

(2) that babies benefit from these activities by forming stronger relationships with their parents and their parents with them, resulting in better attachments and better birthing experiences, and

(3) that these babies tend to show precocious development of speech, fine and gross motor performance, better emotional self- regulation, and better cognitive processing. These are the gifts and rewards of active parenting.